About the ChangingLives Foundation

X-Cel Specialty Contacts partners with doctors around the world to provide specialty contact lenses free of charge regardless of a patient’s economic and social status. Since, March 2015, over three thousand patients in over sixty-five countries have benefited from the #ChangingLives campaign.

X-Cel’s #ChangingLives campaign was born as a means to assist the millions of people who are in desperate need of vision correction but have limited economic resources and are unable to get the help they need. If they are able to visit an eye care professional, they often do not have sufficient means to purchase the contact lenses diagnosed for their condition. Many of the patients involved in the campaign are diagnosed as legally blind with irregular cornea problems, aphakia, and myopia, among others. The outstanding success of the campaign is owed to the practitioners serving the optical industry worldwide who not only donate their time and resources to those who cannot afford vision care, but do so with admirable compassion and generosity. Derrell James, Vice President and General Manager of X-Cel states, “There is nothing more rewarding than being a part of a movement that is changing thousands of lives around the world through the use of specialty contact lenses. Experiencing the elation of a patient who can see their child or parent clearly for the first time, and knowing we had a part in fundamentally improving their lives is the greatest reward.”

For more information on the inspirational stories of these doctors and patients around the world, follow the #ChangingLives campaign on X-Cel Specialty Contacts Facebook page.

Click here.

How Do I Participate?

X-Cel Specialty Contacts welcomes eye care professionals to apply for ChangingLives campaign assistance for patients who cannot afford the cost of the specialty contact lenses their optical condition requires in order for them to have a better quality of life. 

To apply, please Click here.